Does Kotlin Coroutines make RxJava and reactive programming obsolete? The answer depends on who you ask. Enthusiasts and marketing departments would say yes without hesitation. If so, sooner or later developers would have to convert Rx code into coroutines or write something with coroutines from the start.Since Coroutines are currently experimental, there is always the prospect deficiencies, especially regarding the overhead, will be resolved eventually. Therefore, this post will focus more on usability than raw performance.
The scenario
Let's say we have two functions imitating unreliable service: f1 and f2, both returning a number after some delay. We have to call these services, sum up their returned values and present it to the user. However, if this doesn't happen within 500 milliseconds, we don't expect it to happen reasonably faster, thus we'd like to cancel and retry the two services for a limited amount of time before giving up after some number of retries.The Coroutine Way
Programming via coroutines feels like programming with the traditional ExecutorService- and Future-based toolset with the difference that the underlying infrastructure will use suspension, state machine(s) and task rescheduling instead of blocking a thread.First, we need the functions that exhibit the delaying behavior:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | suspend fun f1(i: Int) { Thread.sleep( if (i != 2 ) 2000L else 200L) return 1 ; } suspend fun f2(i: Int) { Thread.sleep( if (i != 2 ) 2000L else 200L) return 2 ; } |
Functions that participate in a coroutine execution should be declared with the suspend keyword and executed within a coroutine context. For demonstration purposes, the logic will sleep for 2 seconds if the parameter supplied to the functions is not 2. This will give a chance to the timeout logic to kick in yet the 3rd attempt to succeed before the timeout.
Since going asynchronous usually ends up leaving the main thread, we need a way to block it until the business logic completes before letting the JVM quit. For this, we can use the runBlocking execution mode in the main method:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | fun main(arg: Array<string>) = runBlocking<unit> { coroutineWay() reactiveWay() } suspend func coroutineWay() { // TODO implement } func reactiveWay() { // TODO implement } </unit></string> |
The coroutine way of writing the desired logic promises some simplicity compared to the functional ways of RxJava; it should look like as if everything is written in a sequential and synchronous manner.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | suspend fun coroutineWay() { val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis() var i = 0 ; while ( true ) { // (1) println( "Attempt " + (i + 1 ) + " at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) var v1 = async(CommonPool) { f1(i) } // (2) var v2 = async(CommonPool) { f2(i) } var v3 = launch(CommonPool) { // (3) Thread.sleep( 500 ) println( " Cancelling at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) val te = TimeoutException(); v1.cancel(te); // (4) v2.cancel(te); } try { val r1 = v1.await(); // (5) val r2 = v2.await(); v3.cancel(); // (6) println(r1 + r2) break ; } catch (ex: TimeoutException) { // (7) println( " Crash at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) if (++i > 2 ) { // (8) throw ex; } } } println( "End at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) // (9) } |
The printlns were added to see what's happening when in this logic.
- In traditional sequential programming, there is no convenient way of retrying an operation under certain conditions, therefore, we first need a loop with a retry counter i.
- We fork off the async computations via the async(CommonPool) that will start and execute the functions immediately on some background thread. It returns a Deferred<Int> we will need later. If we applied await() to get var v1 to be the resulting value, that would suspend the current thread and the calculation for v2 wouldn't start until the first one resumes it. Plus we'll need a way of cancel the ongoing computation in case of a timeout. See steps 3 and 5.
- If we'd like to timeout both computations, it seems we have to do the timed waiting ourselves with another async task. The method launch(CommonPool), returning a Job, will be used for this. The difference from async is that such tasks can't return values. We save the returned Job because in case the previous async calls succeed in time, we no longer need the timer to fire anymore.
- In the timeout job, we cancel v1 and v2 with a TimeoutException, that will unblock any routine that is suspended on getting a result from either of them.
- We await the results of the two computation. If there is a timeout, the await will rethrow the exception we used in 4.
- If there was no exception, we cancel the timeout task itself as its services are no longer needed, and break out the loop.
- If there was a timeout, we catch it the traditional way and perform state checks to determine what to do. Note that any other exception simply falls through and exits the loop.
- In case this was the 3rd (or later) attempt, we simply give up and rethrow the exception.
- If everything went okay, we print the total time the run took and leave the function.
Regardless, the setup works and we get a printout something like this:
Attempt 1 at T=0
Cancelling at T=531
Crash at T=2017
Attempt 2 at T=2017
Cancelling at T=2517
Crash at T=4026
Attempt 3 at T=4026
End at T=4229
3 attempts, last one succeeds and we get the sum of 3. Looks reasonable, right? Not so fast (pun intended)! We can see the cancellation happened about time, ~500 milliseconds after the two unsuccessful attempts, yet the crash detection printout happened 2000 milliseconds after the attempt! We know the cancel() invocation worked because it was the source of the exception we actually caught. Therefore, it looks like the Thread.sleep() in the functions were not actually interrupted, or in coroutine terms, not resumed with the interruption exception. This could be a property of the CommonPool , the use of Future.cancel(false) in the underlying infrastructure or simply a limitation of it.
The Reactive Way
Now let's see how to accomplish the same with RxJava 2. Unfortunately, once a function is marked suspended, one can't call it from regular contexts, therefore we have to redo them in a traditional fashion:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | fun f3(i: Int) : Int { Thread.sleep( if (i != 2 ) 2000L else 200L) return 1 } fun f4(i: Int) : Int { Thread.sleep( if (i != 2 ) 2000L else 200L) return 2 } |
To match the functionality of a blocking outer context, we will use the BlockingScheduler from the RxJava 2 Extensions project that allows returning to the main thread. As it name says, it blocks the caller/main thread when started until something submits a task through the scheduler to be executed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | fun reactiveWay() { RxJavaPlugins.setErrorHandler({ }) // (1) val sched = BlockingScheduler() // (2) sched.execute { val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis() val count = Array<Int>( 1 , { 0 }) // (3) Single.defer({ // (4) val c = count[ 0 ]++; println( "Attempt " + (c + 1 ) + " at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) // (5) Single.fromCallable({ f3(c) }) .subscribeOn(, Single.fromCallable({ f4(c) }) .subscribeOn(, BiFunction<Int, Int> { a, b -> a + b } // (6) ) }) .doOnDispose({ // (7) println( " Cancelling at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) }) .timeout( 500 , TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // (8) .retry({ x, e -> println( " Crash at " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) x < 3 && e is TimeoutException // (9) }) .doAfterTerminate { sched.shutdown() } // (10) .subscribe({ println(it) println( "End at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) // (11) }, { it.printStackTrace() }) } } |
A slightly longer implementation and certainly may look scary to those who are not used to so much lambdas.
- RxJava 2 notoriously delivers exceptions in one way or other. On Android, undeliverable exceptions will crash the app unless handled with the RxJavaPlugins.setErrorHandler. Here, since we know a cancellation will interrupt a Thread.sleep(), the resulting stacktrace printed to the console would just clutter it and it is decided we ignore such excess exceptions.
- We setup the BlockingScheduler and issue the first task to be executed on it, containing the rest of the logic to be executed in the main thread. This is due to the fact that because it blocks, a regular start() will livelock the main thread as any subsequent work, that would otherwise unblock it, wouldn't get executed.
- We setup a heap variable that will count the number of retries.
- We increment this counter and print out the "Attempt" string whenever there is a subscription via Single.defer. The operator allows us to have a per subscription state which we expect from the resubscriptions of a retry() operator down the chain.
- We use the zip operator that starts two single-element asynchronous calculation, each calling the respective function from a background thread.
- Once both finish, we add the resulting number together.
- To make a cancellation from the timeout visible, we add the doOnDispose operator to print out the indicator and timestamp of such event.
- We define the overall timeout to get the sum via the timeout operator. The overload will signal a TimeoutException if the timeout happens (i.e., no fallback for this scenario).
- The retry operator overload provides the number of times the retry happened and the current error. After printing the error, we should return true - which indicates the retry must happen - if the number of retries so far is less than 3 and the error itself is of TimeoutException. Any other error will simply fall through without triggering a retry.
- Once we are done, we should shut down the scheduler so it can release the main thread and the JVM can quit.
- Hovever, just before that, we print the resulting sum and the time it took the whole operation to finish.
One could say, it is more convoluted compared to the coroutine version. At least it works:
The Cancelling at T=4527, interestingly comes from the coroutineWay() call if we run the two functions together from the main method above: even though there was no timeout at last, cancelling the timeout itself suffered the same non-interruptible computation problem, hence the additional and mute signal about cancelling the already finished tasks.
RxJava, on the other hand, promptly cancels and retries the functions at least. There is, however, a practically unnecessary Cancelling at T=1291 entry in the printout too. This is an artifact, or rather my sloppyness, in how Single.timeout is implemented: if it succeeds without timeout, the internal CompositeDisposable hosting the upstream's Disposable gets cancelled along with the timeout task regardless of the actual state of the operator.
As a final thought, let's illustrate the power of reactive design by a small change in the expectations: Why retry the whole sum if we could only retry that function which doesn't respond in time? The solution is straightforward in RxJava: move the doOnDispose().timeout().retry() into each of the function call sequence (perhaps through a transformer to avoid code duplication):
I welcome the reader to try and update the coroutine implementation to accomplish the same behavior (including any other form of cancellation possibility while you are at it).
One of the benefits of declarative reactive programming is the ability to not bother with complications such as threading, propagation of cancellation and operation composition most of the time. Libraries such as RxJava give an API and a viewpoint that hide these lower level "evils" from the typical user.
So, are coroutines useful after all? Certainly they are, but I believe this usefulness is rather limited and I have my doubts on how it could replace reactive programming in general.
Cancelling at T=4527
Attempt 1 at T=72
Cancelling at T=587
Crash at 587
Attempt 2 at T=587
Cancelling at T=1089
Crash at 1090
Attempt 3 at T=1090
Cancelling at T=1291
End at T=1292
The Cancelling at T=4527, interestingly comes from the coroutineWay() call if we run the two functions together from the main method above: even though there was no timeout at last, cancelling the timeout itself suffered the same non-interruptible computation problem, hence the additional and mute signal about cancelling the already finished tasks.
RxJava, on the other hand, promptly cancels and retries the functions at least. There is, however, a practically unnecessary Cancelling at T=1291 entry in the printout too. This is an artifact, or rather my sloppyness, in how Single.timeout is implemented: if it succeeds without timeout, the internal CompositeDisposable hosting the upstream's Disposable gets cancelled along with the timeout task regardless of the actual state of the operator.
As a final thought, let's illustrate the power of reactive design by a small change in the expectations: Why retry the whole sum if we could only retry that function which doesn't respond in time? The solution is straightforward in RxJava: move the doOnDispose().timeout().retry() into each of the function call sequence (perhaps through a transformer to avoid code duplication):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | val timeoutRetry = SingleTransformer<Int, Int> { it.doOnDispose({ println( " Cancelling at T=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) }) .timeout( 500 , TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .retry({ x, e -> println( " Crash at " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)) x < 3 && e is TimeoutException }) } // ... Single.fromCallable({ f3(c) }) .subscribeOn( .compose(timeoutRetry) , Single.fromCallable({ f4(c) }) .subscribeOn( .compose(timeoutRetry) , BiFunction<Int, Int> { a, b -> a + b } ) // ... |
I welcome the reader to try and update the coroutine implementation to accomplish the same behavior (including any other form of cancellation possibility while you are at it).
So, are coroutines useful after all? Certainly they are, but I believe this usefulness is rather limited and I have my doubts on how it could replace reactive programming in general.
Can't reproduce the mentioned behavior:
Attempt 1 at T=0
Cancelling at T=509
Crash at T=511
Attempt 2 at T=511
Cancelling at T=1013
Crash at T=1013
Attempt 3 at T=1013
End at T=1217
The code is straight from the article:
I'm using Kotlin 1.1.4-2 and Coroutines 0.18
TörlésSeems like it is a problem only in Coroutines 0.18
TörlésI can't reproduce the behavior in 0.16
Indeed. The non-interruptibleness is more like a small inconvenience: a delay(500) instead of sleep works with 0.18. The main trouble is the need for manually managing tasks and deferred computations in case you need cancellation. The classical example is the login-loadUserSettings-display sequence, which looks short and nice but then you rotate the phone...
TörlésThe difference between `delay(500)` and `Thread.sleep(500)` is that the former is a suspending and cancellable function, while the later is not. From the standpoint of coroutines machinery `Thread.sleep` is just like some CPU-consuming code. Completely opaque. Even though it does not consume CPU, it still blocks the thread of execution. In fact, when you write the code like this:
suspend fun f1(i: Int) {
Thread.sleep(if (i != 2) 2000L else 200L)
return 1
the `suspend` modifier does not bring any value. It does not make this function asynchronous nor cancellable. The future versions of Kotlin compiler will generate warning for suspending functions that do not invoke any suspending function, just like C# compiler generates warning for async function that does not have any await inside.
In real application your business-functions are using some asynchronous API to make some networks calls, for example, so to model them for demo purposes `delay` should be used.
Idiomatic way to write this logic with coroutines is available in this gist:
1. `delay` replaces `Thread.sleep`
2. Using `withTimeoutOrNull` primitive to wait for 500ms (no need to create coroutine v3 and track time for cancellation)
3. Using '?.let` idiom to act on non-null value if execution did not timeout.
4. This above also avoids try/catch which is not idiomatic in Kotlin outside of libraries and framework code.
5. Using "early return from function" idiom instead of break/continue.
6. Using stdlib function `repeat(3)` to make 3 attempts.
7. Using Kotlin idioms of string interpolation, using only immutable values (vals) and otherwise following idiomatic Kotlin code style.
Thanks for the clarifications and the code cleanup.
Törlésto be honest, coroutines version looks much cleaner for me, despite i am a big rxjava fan
TörlésThe power of coroutines is illustrated by the ease with which you can abstract common behavior. In the previous answer we have written the function that retries execution 3 times. Can we abstract this behavior?
VálaszTörlésSure! Let's extract retry logic into higher-order function retry (it is a bit of framework code that we'll write only once in our app, so try/catch is ok here):
inline fun retry(n: Int, block: (Int) -> T): T {
var ex: TimeoutException? = null
repeat(n) { i ->
try { return block(i) }
catch (e: TimeoutException) {
println("Failed with $e")
ex = e
throw ex!! /* rethrow last failure */
Note, in a typical app we might wish to extract some more logic here, like a decision on which other exceptions are worth retrying and which are not.
Now we can choose to combine retry and withTimeout or use them separately (I'll leave them separate) and rewrite original code:
Having done it, we can use retry/withTimeout pair anywhere we want, for example wrapping each f1 and f2 separately (can even use their own timeouts). However, we notice that we have the same async/retry/withTimeout code duplicated, so we extract another helper function:
Not only we have solved original problem of retrying f1 and f2 separately, but we've introduced a useful primitive for the rest of our application. This ability to abstract away common functionality using nothing more complicated than a general "introduce function" approach highlights the true power of coroutines.
Interesting. Comment sections are not code friendly so I suggest you do a blog post too.
TörlésEzt a megjegyzést eltávolította a szerző.
TörlésRxJava is more feature complete, the ability to compose, map and react to side effects is very powerful and that is it's case against becoming obsolete, I think that reactive programming will continue to exist as long as Java exists and seeing the trend in Java 9 and beyond I would say that is for a long long time.
VálaszTörlésNice comparison in general, and special thanks to Roman Elizarov for providing cool kotlin-way example, which looks really great compared to Rx.
VálaszTörlésI find it useful to mention that kotlin coroutines stacktraces are shorter than Rx ones in generally, which makes them much more informative - and basically you spend a lot of
work time trying to find where bugs hide, by analyzing stacktraces.
I am using RxJava quite extensively in multiple projects (several Java, one Kotlin project). Most of the time I am using Observable and only in a few cases Single/Maybe/Completable. Since k/g/coroutines do not provide any means to implement 0..n push-based streams, I will have to use RxJava anyway. And in this case I can greatly appreciate the fact, than Single can be used and composed in a way similar to Observable.
VálaszTörlésBesides, if the scheduler infrastructure is already in place, the code will be much smaller and Kotlin makes use of RxJava a bliss thanks to the extension functions.
You can have a look at the channel/select component of the coroutines which let you work with multiple values and multiple async sources, but as far as I could tell, they are pretty low level constructs.
VálaszTörlésI believe `runBlocking` can now be replaced with `suspend main()` function in Kotlin 3:
VálaszTörléstry with resources in kotlin is USE( extension function on Cancelable )